Pocoyo World (As pontuações dos usuários são recalculadas diariamente) O Pocoyo World é uma comunidade virtual baseada na série de televisão muito popular com o mesmo nome. O jogo (como o show) é tudo sobre crianças e envolve sua imaginação. O jogo promete uma experiência muito segura que é fácil de jogar, dando-lhe um apelo a um grupo demográfico mais jovem. No Pocoyo World, você terá a oportunidade de criar seu próprio espaço em um mundo incrível, com muitos locais únicos apenas esperando para ser explorado. Com opções para ir a um parque de diversões, a lagoa, cinema, jardim, parque, praça central e até mesmo espaço subaquático ou exterior. Todos esses locais têm lojas, atividades e jogos diferentes, de modo que não há escassez de variedade oferecida. Se nenhum desses locais levar sua fantasia, você pode editar seu próprio mundo privado para criar algo que você está feliz em chamar de casa. Há uma abundância de itens e objetos com os quais você pode preencher seu próprio espaço para que você sinta sempre que você possui opções disponíveis. Para os jogadores que preferem se concentrar na personalização de seu avatar, as lojas armazenam todo tipo de roupas, animais de estimação e brinquedos para você gastar seus tokens. Ganhar esses tokens é sempre divertido com uma enorme lista de jogos que cobrem uma variedade de gêneros e níveis de habilidade. Cada um desses jogos rastreia as pontuações mais altas desse dia, por isso é fácil competir com outros jogadores do Pocoyo World. As atividades são tão importantes quanto os jogos, e você encontrará muitas oportunidades para explorar sua criatividade no Pocoyos Workshop com opções para construir, pintar, jogar com números e muito mais. Essas atividades também são uma ótima ferramenta de aprendizagem para as crianças mais jovens para reforçar o que estão aprendendo através do jardim de infância ou seus primeiros anos escolares. Pocoyo World realmente oferece um mundo inteiro de experiências, enquanto tem óbvio apelo aos seguidores da série de TV. O jogo também irá agradar crianças que não foram expostas a Pocoyo antes. Explore um mundo baseado na série de TV de Pocoyo. Simples e adequado à idade. Grande variedade de locais apenas esperando para ser explorado. Jogue montes de jogos e experimente atividades divertidas. Faça novos amigos em ambiente seguro. Pocoyo World. 7,7 fora de 10 com base em 19 avaliaçõesFilm Who Framed Roger Rabbit Minha filosofia é esta: se você não tem um bom senso de humor, você é melhor morto Quem moldou Roger Rabbit é um filme engenhoso de 1988, em ação ao vivo, com Robert Zemeckis dirigindo a vida - action e Richard Williams dirigindo a animação. Seu sucesso é em grande parte responsável pela criação da Era da Renascença da Animação. Tendo tido uma enorme influência sobre as atitudes dos executivos em relação a animação como mais do que o que tinha sido nos filmes animados de Dork Age 8212 Disneys 90, os filmes de Pixar, The Simpsons. Tiny Toon Adventures. Animaniacs. Batman: The Animated Series. E os desenhos animados de Nicktoons e MTV provavelmente nunca teriam existido se isso acontecesse para este filme. Uma co-produção entre a Touchstone Pictures (ou seja, a Disney incognito) e a Amblin Entertainment (Steven Spielberg), é até agora o único crossover oficial com personagens clássicos Disney, MGM e Warner Bros. Situado em um Universo Alternativo na cidade de Los Angeles em 1947, durante a Era de Ouro da Animação para ser específico, este Hardboiled Film Noir retrata um mundo onde personagens de desenhos animados são uma verdadeira minoria étnica ao lado de seres humanos. No centro da história, Roger Rabbit, uma estrela de cinema de Toon fugindo da polícia depois de ter sido acusado de assassinar Marvin Acme, um fabricante humano de adereços de desenho animado, com quem a esposa de Rogers, Jessica, estava a jogar biscoito. Note Não um eufemismo, neste caso. Veja Isso lembra você de qualquer coisa abaixo. Sua única esperança é Eddie Valiant, um ex-policial alcoólatra transformou um investigador privado que costumava se especializar nesse tipo de caso, mas se recusou a trabalhar para Toons desde que um morreu seu irmão, deixando cair um piano na cabeça. Ele acaba sendo sugado na investigação depois que Roger se esconde em seu apartamento. Juntos, os dois descobriram algo muito maior do que qualquer um deles esperava. O filme é (muito) frouxamente baseado no romance 1981 de Gary Wolf, Who Censored Roger Rabbit. Mas deve mais a Roman Polanski s Chinatown. Como era inicialmente pretendido como a última entrega de uma trilogia que teve como resultado o segundo filme, The Two Jakes. Flutuando. O título do filme oficialmente não tem um ponto de interrogação no final do boato. Isso é o resultado de uma pesquisa de marketing que disse que os filmes com pontos de interrogação no título ganham menos dinheiro. O filme é notável por ser o maior crossover de personagens de desenho animado ocidentais famosos pré-50 do que qualquer coisa que veio antes (é o primeiro e único tempo oficial em que Mickey Mouse e Bugs Bunny aparecem em uma cena juntos). Também tinha três shorts de teatro Spin-Off que funcionavam de 1989 a 1993, todos incluídos no lançamento de DVD de edição especial de filmes. A própria série de livros usou o filme como canon. Deve-se notar por motivos históricos que a totalidade da animação que aparece no filme foi feita POR MÃO 8212, nenhum computador de qualquer tipo foi usado, nem mesmo Jessica Rabbits vestido espumante durante sua canção 8212, exceto para a seleção azul necessária quando Eddie Valiant foi para Toon Town, onde tudo foi animado, e para operar os pianos do jogador durante o duelo de piano Donald e Daffy Ducks. Uma sequência foi planejada logo após o sucesso do original, mas nunca apareceu. O primeiro obstáculo foi que o filme pretendia ser um pré-jogo definido durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas Steven Spielberg se recusou a trabalhar em um filme que satirizou os nazistas depois de terminar a lista Schindlers. E ele estava indo para começar o DreamWorks no momento. Então, um orçamento disparado (para o tempo) e o advento da animação por computador aterraram o segundo filme em águas mais profundas. Em 30 de outubro de 2009, o diretor Robert Zemeckis confirmou que um segundo filme de Roger Rabbit estava a caminho, com o próprio Zemeckis retornando para dirigir o filme e os roteiristas originais, Seaman and Price, voltando também, mas com o desmantelamento do estúdio de Zemeckis O destino das seqüelas agora é incerto. Em fevereiro de 2013, Wolf propôs um veículo de RogerMickey Mouse para a Disney chamado The Stooge. Aparentemente, este será um filme de animação que, em teoria, poderia coexistir com a sequela de Zemeckis. No entanto, também caiu no Inferno do Desenvolvimento. Este filme fornece exemplos de: openclose todas as pastas Abhorrent Admirer. Lena Hyena não poderia ser mais uma para Eddie em seu único encontro Toontown. Calcanhar de Aquiles. Dip, para os toons e, consequentemente, Judge Doom. Acrófatica. Ok, Eddie é mais gordinho do que gordo, mas ninguém esperava reflexos tão rápidos, somersaults ou fúcsia. Ação Sobrevivente. Eddie Valiant 8212 um bom e inteligente. Adaptação de destilação. O livro original, Who Censored Roger Rabbit. Era sobre Valiant originalmente contratado por Roger para investigar as promessas perdidas de seus chefes. Quando Roger é assassinado (ou censurado), Eddie investiga coisas com a ajuda () da esposa antagonista de Rogers, Jessica. O filme era basicamente Um anti-herói e um toon, forçados juntos em um tipo estranho de caminhos, investigar alguém com a morte, com um enredo construído em torno da conspiração de eléctrico de Los Angeles. Todos os outros livros que seguiram retconned isso em Jessica Rabbit tendo um sonho. Atratividade Adaptativa. Invertido com Eddie Valiant. O Eddie do livro original, como uma paródia de um herói pulp, é notado por vários personagens como sendo muito atraentes. Film Eddie, como uma paródia de um herói noir, é espancado e malvado. Heroismo de adaptação. Jessica e Roger mesmo. O primeiro era uma atriz de pornografia Femme Fatale Gold Digger, enquanto o último foi revelado como um assassino que tentou fazer Eddie the Fall Guy. O Alcoólico. Eddie, depois da morte de seus irmãos. Hes quase uma ogiva de busca de bebidas, na verdade. Você não costumava ser Eddie Valiant Ou mudou seu nome para Jack Daniels Roger. Não sabia onde estava o seu escritório, então perguntei ao novato. Ele não sabia, então perguntei ao bombeiro, ao verdulheiro, ao açougueiro, ao padeiro, eles não sabiam, mas o cara da loja de bebidas, ele conhecia Alas, Poor Villain. Quando Wheezy morre, ele tenta desesperadamente recuperar sua alma angélica. Quase beijo. Duas vezes, entre Dolores e Eddie. Uma vez, Roger grita com eles. O segundo, sua presença é sentida demais para continuar. Tooniverso alternativo. Situado em um Universo Alternativo na cidade de Los Angeles em 1947, durante a Era de Ouro da Animação para ser específico, este Hardboiled Film Noir retrata um mundo onde personagens de desenhos animados são uma verdadeira minoria étnica ao lado de seres humanos. Árvores de Natal de alumínio. Esquema do juiz Dooms para comprar a empresa de troleiros com o único propósito de dissolvê-lo. A General Motors fez o mesmo para matar o trânsito público, apenas em uma escala nacional e cerca de 10 anos antes do lançamento do filme. Lesões divertidas. Toons são mais ou menos imortais, qualquer violência física que você atribui a eles resulta em uma enorme reação excessiva, expressões agonizantes, sangramento, esqueleto visível através da pele no caso de eletrocussão, etc. Cinco minutos depois, eles estão perfeitamente bem. A única maneira de fazer qualquer dano real para um toon é com The Dip ou no caso das doninhas, fazendo com que eles riem até a morte. Os seres humanos na cidade de Toon parecem herdar essa característica também para um grau, embora, se alguém quiser um ser humano morto em Toon Town, eles vão morrer. Eddie explora este tropo contra as doninhas para fazê-los morrer de gargalhadas. Menino. Você viu o coelho soprar suas linhas. Ele não pode manter sua mente em seu trabalho, e você sabe por que Eddie. Um grande número de frigoríficos caiu na cabeça. Anacronismo Stew: Aparecem vários personagens de desenhos animados que ainda não foram criados em 1947, ano em que o filme ocorre. Palavra de Deus invocada uma vez admitida aos anacronismos, mas afirmou que este filme proporcionou uma oportunidade especial para apresentar tantos personagens de desenho animado diferentes juntos. No que diz respeito à produção, Rule of Cool tratou o Anachronism Stew. Ou como afirmou um dos escritores, o objetivo era o entretenimento, não o histórico de animação. Embora, se você considerar que Toons tem que fazer uma audição para papéis, como atores humanos, como visto no gag de fundo do Cattle Call, então os personagens que aparecem na configuração antes de serem criados simplesmente não conseguiram um show ainda. A folha modelo de Bugs Bunny usada em sua breve cena estava desatualizada, ela foi eliminada gradualmente pela Warner Bros. no início de 1942. A folha modelo moderna começou a usar em meados de 1941 na unidade de Bob Clampetts e se espalhou para o resto dos animadores por O ano seguinte. Ele volta ao final, no entanto 8212 Daffy não. Possivelmente, Bugs simplesmente não estava usando maquiagem completa para um ato de discoteca de duelo de piano, e seu design mais antigo é a aparência de Toon-Bugss au naturale. No cinema onde Eddie e Roger escondem, o desenho animado na tela é um desenho animado pateta, Goofy Gymnastics. Que, em tempo real, foi lançado em 1949. As auto-estradas já existiram em 1947. A visão do juiz Doom é essencialmente a Autônomo da Pasadena da vida real, que abriu em 1940. Poderia ser justificado que essas rodovias eram exatamente comuns até as décadas de 1950 e 1960. E Rule of Funny. E que este filme ocorre evidentemente em um universo diferente do nosso, o que com os toques sensíveis. Kuzco também está lá, dançando no lote Maroon no menu do DVD. O mesmo menu também possui Elliot the Dragon. Aparecendo e desaparecendo em rápida sucessão. Apesar disso, desde que Maroon Cartoons no DVD de características especiais parece estar nos tempos modernos. Atores animados. Roger, Baby Herman e praticamente todos os Toon no filme. Bump de animação. A sequência de abertura é muito exuberante para até mesmo um curta animado moderno. O filme inteiro é muito animado, como é necessário, combinando os desenhos com a iluminação e a taxa de quadros da filmagem de ação ao vivo. Uma das poucas exceções é a seqüência de Toontown, onde tudo é animação tradicional (relativamente) mais relaxada com um Eddie de tela azul. Aplicado Phlebotinum. O Dip é funcionalmente, embora seus ingredientes 8212 turpentina, acetona e benzeno 8212 sejam todos solventes, e dois deles basicamente equivalem a diluente de tinta. O benzeno, costumava ser um solvente laboratorial comum para compostos orgânicos (e ainda ocupa esse papel nos processos industriais), o que poderia ser uma referência intencional à qualidade de vida de toons. Leon Schlesinger (Warner Bros 30s to 50s) contratou cel-washers para reutilizar cels em vez de comprar novo, sendo um tightwad. O mergulho é composto de coisas que tomam tinta e tinta diretamente do cel. Uma dessas aquecedoras de celulose era Chuck Jones. Antes de fazer toons, ele matou toons. Com mergulho. Licença Artística de Música. Na cena em que Eddie Valiant está se misturando com os Toons no Maroon Studios, ele encontra um saxofonista parado ao lado das vassouras encantadas da Fantasia. No entanto, o saxofonista não está fazendo mais nada além de balançar seu corpo enquanto toca o saxofone. O que é, ele nem sequer move os dedos enquanto ele estava tocando o saxofone. Além do olhar. Jessica Rabbit faz pelo menos 3 destes. Há uma sutil durante o seu número de cantor antes de se sentar em Eddie, depois outra depois de derrubar Roger com uma frigideira, e muito rápida como ela entrando em Benny the Cab em Toontown. Asshole Victim. R. K. Maroon. Em menor sentido. Ele pelo menos tentou reparar o dano que ele causou após a morte de Acmes, mas não foi bem. Ax-Crazy: The Weasels, especialmente (e obviamente) Psycho. Judge Doom no clímax. Badco Longcoat. Eddie Valiant usa um, assim como Judge Doom. Badass Héroe acidental involuntário. Eddie Valiant não está muito feliz em cuidar do caso de Roger Rabbits desde que ele se tornou um odiador de Toon. No entanto, ele consegue provar a inocência de Rogers e salvar Toontown. Eddie nunca aceita o caso de Rogers. Roger vem pedir-lhe, mas a motivação de Eddies para olhar para isso é uma raiva sobre os principais jogadores que o usam como patsy em seu esquema, ele quer saber por que R. K. Maroon e os outros mentiram para ele sobre o trabalho de imagem. Claro, os resultados são os mesmos de qualquer maneira. Babá maltratada. Rogers role no bermuda Maroon com Baby Herman. Bale-and-Switch Gunshot. Jessica puxando uma arma para Valiant. Exceto que ela atira no Judge Doom em vez disso. Pelo menos, ela deu a Valiant um segundo aviso. Botão Berserk Não se sente na cadeira Teddy Valiants. Simplesmente não. EDDIE NÃO TRABALHA PARA TOONS PARE QUE RISO Também, NÃO mexa com a esposa de Rogers. Cuidado com os bons. Roger é o tipo de cara doce que responde a sua esposa trapaceando escrevendo-lhe uma carta de amor, mas se você se preocupar com alguém com quem ele se preocupa, ele puxa uma arma para você. Roger. Nós, toons, podemos agir de forma idiota, mas não somos estúpidos. Exigimos justiça. Por que o verdadeiro significado da palavra provavelmente te atinge como uma tonelada de tijolos Big Bad. Juiz Doom, surpreendente, eu sei. Big Damn Heroes Em Toontown, quando as Doninhas estão a caminho deles em seu caminhão preto, Eddie e Jessica, aterrorizadas, tentam puxar o outro em diferentes direções para escapar e Eddie mostra o polegar para dar ênfase. De repente, ergue os botões Benny the Cab. Eles escalam nele e escapam de ser cortados pelas Doninhas no tempo. Nota Anteriormente, Benny disse a Eddie que se ele alguma vez precisasse de um passeio, que ele devesse ficar com o polegar. Mais tarde, na Fábrica de Acme, como Doom diz a Eddie e Jessica seus planos para acabar com Toontown e substituí-lo por uma rodovia. Roger explode no armazém através de uma grade de drenagem e tenta segurar Doom e as Doninhas à ponta de armas. Muito ruim, uma das Weasels também é explodida em uma Ton-of-Bricks que ele usa para enterrar o coelho, dando à Doom a vantagem. Black Black Comedy. O verdadeiro motivo pelo qual Jessica Rabbit traiu Roger com Marvin Acme. Era parte de R. K. O plano de Maroon para usar as imagens que Eddie Valiant tomou de Marvin Acme para chantagear a Acme para vender sua fábrica de Gag para Cloverleaf Industries, pois, sem que a Acme venda o acordo de Maroons para vender Cartoons de Maroon caísse. Além disso, Jessica foi chantageada para enganar Roger porque o coelho teria perdido o emprego se ela não estivesse no esquema, e dado que Jessica faria qualquer coisa para ajudar seu marido, ela não teve escolha senão estar no esquema. É claro que o esquema inteiro desmorona quando Acme é assassinado. R.K. Maroon. Enquanto foi interrogado por Eddie A verdade é que eu tive a chance de vender meu estúdio. Mas Cloverleaf não compraria minha propriedade, a menos que Acme os vendesse. O bastardo teimoso não venderia, então eu vou chantagear Acme com fotos dele e esposa de Roger Rabbits. Chantagem, isso é todo o Molho Hellfire Invasão Ardente. Roger acaba por beber isso por acidente enquanto tenta resgatar o bebê Herman no desenho animado de abertura. Bluebird of Happiness. Vários cumprimentam Eddie ao retornar a Toontown. Bond One-LinerBond Villain Stupidity. O juiz Doom deixa seu esquadrão peculiar de Miniboss a cargo de Eddie. Como vemos mais tarde, Doom é um toon e, obviamente, danificou o seu olho de falsificação (observe a maneira como ele cuidadosamente mantém a mão sobre ela, para evitar que ele desapareça). Ele tem que sair para substituí-lo. Boomerang Bigot. O juiz Doom parece atender a isso. Uma vez que você descobre sua verdadeira identidade, todas as coisas que estiveram falando sobre o início do filme tornam-se ainda mais perturbadoras. Bolas de bronze. Ouvi quando Eddie confrontou R. K. Maroon. R.K. Maroon: Você tem muito bronze entrando aqui sozinho. Brick Joke. Na primeira cena, Roger entra em problemas com Raoul, seu produtor, porque os pássaros tweety circulam a cabeça depois de bater com uma geladeira quando o roteiro diz que ele deveria estar vendo estrelas. No final do filme, Roger finalmente vê as estrelas, levando-o a exclamar Look Stars Ready quando você estiver, Raoul, depois que uma tonelada de tijolos o atingiu na cabeça. Sim, essa piada de tijolos é uma corrida visual literal. Butterface. Lena Hyena imita exatamente Jessica Rabbits tudo, mas seu rosto, por razões óbvias. O Cameo. Praticamente quase todos os personagens de personagens icônicos da The Golden Age of Animation têm um cameo: Mickey Mouse. Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck. Pateta. Plutão. Pernalonga. Daffy Duck. Porky Pig. Wile E Coyoteandthe Road Runner. Tweety E Sylvester. Droopy. Betty Boop. Koko The Clown. Pica-pau. Canon Foreigner. Dolores, Lt. Santino, The Weasels, Judge Doom, R. K. Maroon e muitos outros não apareceram no romance original. A cavalaria chega tarde. A polícia chega depois que o juiz Doom é liquidado. Calor acorrentado. Como uma piada, Roger se punha e Eddie juntos. E Eddie não tem a chave. Presidente da briga. Eddie esmaga uma das doninhas com uma cadeira quando ele e Roger escapam do bar. A Chanteuse. Jessica Rabbit. Exagero de personagens. Roger, em comparação com sua contrapartida de livro original. Enquanto o coelho de Roger do livro original tinha alguns traços excêntricos notáveis, ele também era um pouco empolgante e definitivamente não era o cara legal que ele fingia ser. O Roger do filme é muito mais louco e mais, bem, cartoony, e é genuinamente um cara agradável. Na sequência do livro, Roger é muito mais como sua homenagem animada. Chekhovs Gag. Olhe, estrelas. Pronto quando você estiver, Raoul Scotch nas rochas. E quero dizer, gelo Adivinha o que ele encontra em sua bebida no final da cena. Chekhovs Gun: O grande malho e furo preto portátil, introduzido para rir desde o início e provando crucial na ação final. The Disappearing Reappearing Ink. Carta de amor de Rogers escrita em um pedaço de papel em branco. É Marvin Acmes disfarçado. Rogers. Devemos dizer, uma reação destrutiva sempre que ele toma um tiro de álcool é posta em bom uso mais tarde. Bennys observa Se você precisa de um passeio, basta manter o seu polegar está em algum lugar entre isso e Brick Joke. Um desses dias, seus idiotas vão rir-se da morte de Chekhovs Gunman. O toon que matou o irmão Eddies. Habilidade de Chekhovs: se você piscar você sente falta, mas uma referência rápida para Eddie crescer em um circo com o pai dele e Teddys sendo um palhaço acaba ajudando-o a encenar uma rotina de dança de comédia para fazer com que as Doninhas riem a si mesmas. Mastigando o cenário. Jessica, legal como o gelo a maior parte do filme, perde completamente quando ela percebe o que Doom planejou - complete com Wild Take. Circling Birdies. Roger e Eddie Valiant vêem pássaros uma vez, Roger vê as estrelas uma vez. Roger vê muitas outras coisas também, como ele repetidamente se cloquea em uma tentativa desesperada de obter suas linhas corretas (ele deveria estar vendo estrelas) e aplaca o diretor irado, Raoul J. Raoul. Limpe seu nome. Uma estrela de desenho animado da A-list é criada para assassinato. Sua única esperança era um detetive humano de Toon-odiando. Cloudcuckooland. Toontown. Cloudcuckoolander. Roger. Claro, a maioria, se não todos os Toons, são de alguma forma ou forma, mas, como Roger tem o maior papel é definitivamente mais notável com ele. Cobweb of Disuse. Eddie mantém intacta a mesa de seu falecido irmão e parceiro Teddy desde sua morte como um Santuário para os Caídos. É coberto em teias de aranha e camadas de poeira. Transmissão Coincidente. O noticiário que joga exatamente como os protagonistas estão se preparando para deixar o teatro derrama a pista perdida que Eddie precisa abrir o caso. Isso revela que Cloverleaf está comprando uma grande quantidade de propriedades relacionadas a toon, incluindo Toon Town e os estúdios Maroon Cartoon Cold Ham. Juiz Doom. Faz sentido quando é revelado ele é realmente um toon, o que significa que seu comportamento é o resultado dele tentando agir como um ser humano e não muito bem-sucedido. Comédia como arma. Eddie derrota as Doninhas literalmente fazendo com que eles morrem de gargalhadas. Roger. Uma risada pode ser uma coisa muito poderosa. Por que, às vezes, na vida, é a única arma que saímos, saia, onde quer que esteja. Juiz Doom tentando liberar o coelho Roger escondido com Shave e um corte de cabelo. Comicamente Cross-Eyed. Roger está um pouco com os olhos cruzados para ir com sua personalidade pateta. Construção de ameaças comunitárias. A trama vilão que ameaça toda a comunidade de Toon Town é a construção de uma auto-estrada. CG conspícuo: invertido tão duro como uma tonelada de tijolos. Os cineastas e os fãs continuam a se orgulhar até hoje de como nenhuma estrutura da animação foi criada de qualquer maneira que não a animação desenhada à mão e a impressão óptica antiquada. Aqueles que não estão familiarizados com as técnicas de animação exaustivas do diretor de animação Richard Williams podem realmente confundir alguns dos objetos mais luxuosos de 3-dimentional para CGI primitivo, em vez de realmente, desenhos realmente bons. Alguns dos objetos de mão com que as pessoas reais interagem são rotoscópicos, rastreados e pintados por Coloque em cima de um suporte original por um animador cel. Eddies Toon Revolver é um desses, se você olhar rapidamente em alguns tiros, você pode ver que Eddie está segurando um suporte de plástico e não uma arma animada. Luvas conspicuas. O juiz Doom usa luvas de couro preto o tempo todo, mas ele coloca uma luva de borracha maior em sua primeira aparência para mergulhar um sapato pobre Toon. No começo, parece que ele está fazendo um ponto. Como ele mesmo faz uma corrida ao se referir a suas táticas incrivelmente duras como não luvas de criança. Mais tarde, afinal eles também escondem o fato de que ele é um toon ele mesmo. Rir contágio. No espetáculo. Também constantemente entre as doninhas. Cegueira Contractual de Gênero. A maioria dos toons, incluindo Doom no final. Castigo legal e incomum. Na famosa nota de cena de cabeça de porco que apareceu quando o filme foi visto no CBS. Doom e as doninhas punem Eddie por se envolver demais no caso, arrastando-o chutando e gritando para Toon Town e colocando uma máscara de porco animada na cabeça dele. (Um remanescente desta cena pode ser visto quando Jessica aparece no apartamento de Eddies, deixando o chuveiro porque ele apenas lavou a última cabeça de porcos pintados). Corrupt Corporate Executive. R. K. Maroon. Ele tenta chantagear Marvin Acme para vender a Toontown para a Cloverleaf Industries, porque não comprarão seu estúdio, a menos que Marvin Acme as venda também Toontown. No entanto, ele tenta conseguir que Marvin Acmes volte para salvar os toons e sua casa. Não foi possível encontrar uma caneta. Roger escreveu sua carta de amor para Jessica usando batom. O pedaço de papel em que ele escreveu acabou por ser o Acmes. Crack Pairing. Arguable no exemplo do universo: Roger e Jessica. E o que é, eles são um casal genuinamente doce. Crapsaccharine World. Toontown parece alegre e agradável, mas vai muito longe, ou passa muito tempo lá, e fica totalmente louco. Além disso, existem lugares que são verdadeiramente escuros e perigosos, se você não é um Toon. Toons também são perfeitamente capazes de prejudicar os seres humanos com antics que são inofensivos para eles, algo que matou o irmão Eddies e o feriu em alguns pontos. A maioria dos toons sabe melhor do que fazer algo letal para um ser humano (ou seja, Roger está claramente horrorizado quando ele aprende o que aconteceu com Teddy e diz que os toons NÃO prejudicariam de forma deliberada os humanos). Os ferimentos que são mais irritantes do que qualquer outra coisa são, aparentemente, um jogo justo. Parece, no entanto, que as leis do que podem machucar ou matar um humano em Toon Town estão mais relaxadas do que no mundo real. Eddie sobrevive à punição que ele leva lá porque é divertido e não malicioso. Seu irmão acabou morrendo porque Doom estava tentando ativamente matá-lo. De volta aos humanos LA, Hollywood é um lugar mágico onde as pessoas podem ver suas estrelas de desenho animado favoritas pessoalmente. Mas o Racismo fantástico cria uma diferença social bastante óbvia entre humanos e toons, e desde que matar um toon é um novo desenvolvimento, não há leis contra ele. Crossover. O Speakeasy tem conversas entre personagens Disney e Looney Tunes. Cue the Falling Object. Depois que Eddie trava seu carro enquanto está em Toontown, ele olha para o naufrágio e vê uma bola de boliche rolando e esmagando uma boneca. Fim da festa de dança. Os Toons reunidos cantando e dançando para Smile, Darn Ya, Smile. Dark Is Evil. O guarda-roupa completo do juiz Dooms é preto como o tom, mesmo sua bengala, um sinal seguro de que ele não é apenas uma má notícia, mas o real mestre do esquema para comprar a Toontown. Também torna mais fácil ocultar sua verdadeira forma. David vs. Goliath. Eddie Valiant (5,3 pés de altura, gordinho) vs. Judge Doom (6,1 pés de altura, leve construção, um super forte, quase imortal Toon) Adivinha quem ganhou. Dawson Casting. Parodied in-universe. Baby Herman parece e toca um bebê recém-nascido sem mente, mas na verdade está na cinquenta anos. Deader Than Dead. Conforme demonstrado pelas doninhas, morrer geralmente não é tão grande para toons. Sendo dissolvido em The Dip, no entanto. Deadbird Snarker. Alguns personagens realmente. Eddie Valiant. Eddie: Bem, eu não trabalho para amendoim. Seus outros cinquenta RK Maroon: Ligue para as outras cinquenta cenouras para terminar o trabalho. Eddie: Você tem passado por muito tempo os coelhos por muito tempo. Sobre Acmes Will. Eddie. Sim, acho que Maroon fez parte da mente de som e sua esposa, o corpo de som. Roger. Por que me rejeito a essa insinuação Roger entra em alguns também. Roger: Diga, onde é o seu irmão, de qualquer forma Ele parece um sujeito sensível e sóbrio. Dolores. Então me diga Eddie, é um coelho no bolso ou você está feliz por me ver Eddie. Então tirei um par de fotos sujas, então mate-me Santino. Eu já tenho um rígido nas mãos, obrigado. Parceiro Morto. Eddies brother, como observado acima. Morte pela ironia. Muito ruim, o juiz Doom não conseguiu perceber, uma vez exposto como Toon, que ele é tão vulnerável a Dip como qualquer um deles. Morte de cima. Eddies brother e Marvin Acme foram mortos por ter objetos pesados (um piano e um cofre, respectivamente) caíram sobre eles de uma grande altura. O piano pousou também em Eddie e quebrou o braço, mas ele sobreviveu (obviamente). Armadilha mortal. Complete com Monologuing e saia da sala em um momento crucial. Crossover Deconstruction. Não importa o quão amigável para a família, o filme ainda era uma Deconstrução da animação clássica, mostrando como os personagens de personagem insanos são quando estão no mundo real, e quão mortais e pesadelos são as palavrinhas quando os seres humanos são vítimas. Sendo muito mais conhecido e popular do que a novela original, provavelmente se tornou o Trope Maker para este tropo. Descongelando Ice Queen. Eddie e Jessica. Dibrância de Valores Deliberados. Algumas crianças estão implícitas em fumar cigarros no início do filme, o que teria sido perfeitamente aceitável em 1947. Também a bala de toon indiana, que dá um grito de guerra antes de destruir a garrafa de whisky que Eddie estava usando para praticar o alvo com um tomahawk, seria Quase certamente não voam na tela hoje. Deliberadamente monocromático. Em contraste com todos os outros Toons, Betty Boop é mostrado em preto e branco. Mundo fundamental diabólico. O que Judge Doom realmente é. Distaff Counterpart. Amusingly evitado com Jessica, a quem Eddie nunca tinha visto antes do Ink-N-Paint Club e esperava que ela fosse nada além de uma versão feminina de Roger. Escusado será dizer que o que ele viu em vez disso foi destruído pela terra. Bete Boop. O Sr. Acme nunca perde uma noite quando Jessica executa. Eddie. Tem uma coisa para os coelhos, hein Isso lembra você de qualquer coisa O filme tem uma referência mascarada para o grande escândalo da Real-American Streetcar. Foram feitas acusações de que o sistema de trânsito rápido omnipresente de Los Angeless, o carrinho Pacific Eléctrica Big Red e o resto dos sistemas de trolley dos Estados Unidos foram comprados secretamente pelas indústrias automotiva e petrolífera para que pudessem ser desmontados e substituídos por ônibus. San Francisco teve que lutar para manter seu sistema de troles. O julgamento de Los Angeles ocorre mesmo no mesmo ano em que o filme está definido (1947). Outro exemplo: no rescaldo da demonstração Dooms do Dip, sua luva de borracha está coberta de verde (da mistura), mas a mão goteja de vermelho do sapato vermelho dissolvido. Sua linguagem corporal e a reação dos outros personagens sugerem um paralelo ao sangue. Jessica Rabbit jogando pattycake com outro homem é aparentemente o equivalente toon de ter um caso. (É também um trocadilho sobre o tipo de monólogo de olho privado rígido que usa jogar pattycake como um eufemismo para infidelidade. Na verdade, o livro usa o termo para significar exatamente isso.) O Clube de tinta e pintura é baseado em The Cotton Club, um Lugar na cidade de Nova York com artistas e servidores negros, mas a clientela era estritamente branca. Dolly-Up Installment. Acredite ou não a premissa do argumento básico, o juiz corrupto se associa às empresas automobilísticas para desmantelar o sistema de transporte público em favor da criação de rodovias. Foi originalmente destinado a ser usado para o terceiro filme em uma trilogia Film Noir que começou com Roman Polanski s Chinatown. O segundo filme foi preso no Development Hell há anos devido a problemas legais da Polanskis, mas foi eventualmente feito em 1990 (com Jack Nicholson dirigindo) sob o título The Two Jakes. Doomy Dooms of Doom. Juiz Doom. Dope Slap. Eddie Valiant entrega um para Roger Rabbit. O Dragão. Smart Ass, a principal doninha, para Judge Doom. Dramatic Curtain Toss. Quando o juiz Doom revela o Dip. Dramático quebrando. Veja Make Me Wanna Shout. O motorista. Benny the Cab. Drives Like Crazy. Todos os Toons, quer estejam dirigindo veículos humanos ou Toons como Benny the Cab, que se dirige como louco. I cant believe those weasels arrested me for driving on the sidewalk It was only a couple of miles. Jessica is the only notable exception to this. Benny might also count. when hes forced to drive another car . Duck Season, Rabbit Season. Just before Roger is about to get dipped, Eddie does this to trick him into drinking another shot of bourbon to produce the same effect the stuff had on Roger at R. K. Maroons office. Dying Declaration of Love. Jessica confesses her love to Roger while both are tied together, awaiting to be offed by the Big Bad . Dynamic Entry : The weasels bust their way into Eddies office looking for Roger by shooting the doorknob out. As seen under Big Damn Heroes, Roger bursts into the Acme factory through a sewer pipe and attempts to hold the weasels and Doom at gunpoint. Ears as Hair. Roger wrings water out of his ears, and yet it hurts him when Eddie picks him up by the ears. Since toons operate on Rule of Funny. its safe to assume they can do whatever they want as long as theres a chance itll be funny. Eddie jerking Roger around wasnt funny. Empty Chair Memorial. The other chair in Eddies office is his brothers. When Roger tries to sit down in it, Eddie goes bonkers. Era-Specific Personality. Most of the classic cartoons act according to their shorts the films timelime represents. Most notable with Daffy, who acts much more akin to his Cloudcuckoolander persona from the 1940s (he gets in his later Youre Dethpicable catchphrase once though). Occasional references from later appearances are made however, see Anachronism Stew above. Escalating War. Donald Duck vs. Daffy Duck at the Ink and Paint Club. Establishing Character Moment. Eddie derisively saying toons and knocking back a bottle. Eternally Pearly-White Teeth. Judge Doom. Justified in that hes not human . Eureka Moment Eddie Valiant finding Marvin Acmes will in one of the pictures he took - first through the base of a whiskey glass, then with his magnifying glass. However, he literally says the hell with it and would have crawled into a bottle and out of the movie if Roger hadnt shown up in his bed(Less Disturbing in Context ). Eddie Valiants revelation on Cloverleaf while listening to the newsreel in the theater - where Cloverleaf buys Maroon Cartoon Studios. Thats it Thats the connection Then again when Judge Doom harangues the Weasels, One of these days, you idiots are going to laugh yourselves to death Comes complete with the eureka ping. Even Evil Has Standards. Maroon thinks little of blackmailing his neighbor with patty-cake pictures, but never intended for Acme to get killed over it and doesnt want Toontown destroyed. Everythings Better with Sparkles. Jessicas dress on stage. Heck, the dress was supposed to sparkle throughout the whole movie, but it would have been too difficult and expensive to do it. Evil Albino. Judge Doom. Evil Gloating Motive Rant. Judge Doom again. Evil Is Hammy. Just take a wild guess. Evil Plan. Judge Doom wants to destroy Toontown and use the land to build a freeway . Evil Sounds Deep. Completely inverted . Exact Words. Never ask a toon to give you a spare of something if you dont want a tire. And its not a good idea to ask for a drink on the rocks if you actually want ice. Exactly What I Aimed At. How Eddie deals with Judge Doom. given that he knows from extensive experience that a Toon punch-hammer wouldnt even slow him down. Releasing the Dipmobiles spigot on the other hand. The Exit Is That Way. Thats the closet Expy. Jessica Rabbits design and career is a more vampish version of Tex Avery s Red Hot Riding Hood . Eye Shock. In the nightclub scene when Jessica Rabbit was on stage, combined with Wolf Whistle . Failed Attempt at Drama. but Rogers a toon. If it wouldve been successful, he wouldnt be a toon. Family-Unfriendly Death : The cute little cartoon shoe that is shoved in the dip, slowly and gradually as it squeals in pain . is rather painful to watch, especially after Doom emphasizes beforehand that, unlike usual cartoon deaths, this is very real . Arguably R. K. Maroon being shot by Doom. with a long bleak shot of his corpse afterwards. Adds a slightly dark tint since Eddie inadvertently assisted it via his Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique . Double-subverted. Dooms death by steamroller would have been a hell of a nasty way to go, then you see him stand up. The double-subversion comes when he gets melted by dip. in a slightly more family-friendly, but no less horrifying way. Fanservice. Just about any scene involving Jessica. Subtlety doesnt come into it. Fan Disservice The scene where Jessica meets a shirtless and very hairy Eddie in his office. Lena Hyena, the exact opposite to Jessica. Fantastic Racism. Actually played much more realistically than about 99 of examples of this trope. While Eddie came to hate Toons because one killed his brother, hes not a slathering KKK-style racist about it. he generally treats Toons about the same as he treats everyone else, he just doesnt want to be around them if he can help it. Its handled especially well in his treatment of Betty Boop. Its very obvious that he cares for her as a friend and feels upset that shes so hard up shes working as a cigarette girl at a bar. Many times, real-world racists actually do have friends and even family of the races they claim to hate . Not just Eddie (although in addition to the above mentioned, he also tosses the word, Toon around as if its a slur ), but the movie in general kind of depicts toons almost as second-class citizens. The Ink and Paint Club, where toons either entertain or work, is based on many a bar or club back in the days of segregation, where African-Americans may have been allowed to perform, or even wait and tend bars, but were not allowed in as customers or visitors. Fat and Skinny Eddie Valiant is short and stocky. Teddy Valiant, in the one brief glimpse we see of him in a photograph, is tall and slender. Also Eddie and Roger (who is quite skinny). Feel No Pain. Roger demonstrates this with the refrigerator thats dropped on his head 23 times and repeatedly when the record player skips, resulting in several broken dishes. Averted when it comes to his ears. He hates having them pulled. Truth in Television since rabbits ears are generally very sensitive and grabbing one by the ears can cause serious harm. Felony Misdemeanor. Rogers deeply in love with his wife Jessica, and is horrified when Eddie finds photographs of her and Mr. Acme Playing Patty-cake. If youre wondering what Playing Patty-cake is a euphemism for. Toons consider it to be equivalent of sex. Roger is deeply hurt . Partially subverted in that they are, in fact, playing patty-cake. Femme Fatale. Jessica. What would a hard-boiled detective story be without one Fictional Currency. Simoleons are apparently an actual Toontown currency. Film Noir. The underlying plot is almost classic film noir: Im going to listen you spin Cloverleafs scenario 8212 the story of greed, sex, and murder note And the parts that I dont like, Im gonna edit out. . Flat What.. Eddie says this when he is first informed that Marvin Acme was killed by, supposedly, a cartoon rabbit. He responds the same way when Dolores informs him that it is Cloverleaf that seeks to own Toontown and will do so if Acmes will doesnt show by midnight that night. Flirtatious Smack on the Ass. Baby Herman dispatches his nursemaid handler with a smack on her ass, as well as sending her to get a racing form. Baby Herman does this in order to have a private and serious conversation with detective Eddie Valiant. Foil. Eddie and Roger form this for each other. Roger is an overly-idealistic person whos forced to deal with the fact that things arent as perfect as he likes to pretend they are, while Eddie is an overly-cynical person who needs help remembering that the world isnt as horrible as he thinks it is. For Happiness. According to Roger, a Toons whole purpose in life is to make people laugh. For the Evulz. Judge Doom and the Weasels. For the Funnyz. Toons operate on this principle in general. Foreshadowing When Christopher Lloyd read the script instruction never to blink his eyes, he cried out Hes a Toon . Near the beginning, when asked if he has a car, Eddie says the he doesnt need one in L. A. since it has the best public transportation system in the world. Turns out that a major plot point in the film was that Judge Doom was buying the Red Car so that he could dismantle it. Teddy Valiant and Marvin Acme were both killed by heavy objects being dropped on them. Turns out they were both killed by the same perpetrator, Judge Doom . When Valiant comments wondering how Doom could be a judge, Lt. Santino mentioned that he bought the election in Toontown with a lot of money. He acquired it by stealing during the robbery where he killed Eddies brother . Doom: A human has been murdered by a toon. Dont you appreciate the magnitude of that Somebody musta made her do it Stop that laughing You know what happens when you cant Stop Laughing (shuts up Stupid by throwing a plunger at him) One of these days, youre gonna die laughing A laugh can be a very powerful thing . Why, sometimes in life, its the only weapon we have. Pretty much everything about Judge Doom. Hes Obviously Evil in every sense of the word. In outfit, name, and the way he presents himself. While the other characters are played more realistically, hes not subtle in the least, in actions or appearance. This makes a lot more sense when its revealed hes a Toon, who are by their nature over the top . Eddies line I dont know whos Toonier you Roger or Doom Cloverleaf, as in the shape of highway on-ramps. Unless Acmes will shows by midnight tonight, Toontowns gonna be land for the free8212 (two gunshots to the back ) When Eddie knocks over the drum of Dip when escaping from the bar, Doom backs away from it. This is mentioned in the commentary. This also provides a second explanation for why Judge Doom puts on a big rubber glove to Dip the shoe: Itd take his hand off because hes a Toon, not because its toxic . In the same vein, when Jessica gets the drop on Eddie in Toon Town she shoots Doom, clearly hitting him straight in the chest. Hes up and running away, perfectly fine, moments later. The aforementioned photo on Teddy Valiants desk of him, Eddie, and their father in the circus wearing full clown gear foreshadows some of Eddies behavior in the climax. Eddie: Sure, I got the will (knowing full well it was really Rogers love letter to Jessica). Turns out the clean piece of paper Roger wrote his letter on was indeed Acmes Will all along which was written in disappearingreappearing ink . Freak Out. Even the normally stoic Jessica is scared of The Dip. Freeze-Frame Bonus. Theres a plaque inside Eddies toon gun case that reads, Thanks for getting me out of the Hoosegow. Yosemite Sam note hoosegow is slang for prison The out-of-order bathroom that Eddie steps into in Toontown has graffiti that reads For a good time, call Allyson Wonderland. the best is yet to be . Eddie hangs his hat on a Maltese Falcon when he enters his office. After the car crash, when Jessica is whirling away with her legs spread, freezing a specific frame reveals that she isnt wearing anything down there. This has been censored in the subsequent digital editions. Functional Genre Savvy : Eddie Valiant and Judge Doom both know enough about cartoons to manipulate the various toons they work with (mostly Roger). Eddie still remembers only a second too late that when you order a scotch on the rocks at a toon-staffed club, you better specify you mean ice. Fun with Flushing. While trying to sneak into the Acme factory, Roger falls on the toilet and gets flushed down. He later comes out a drain pipe in the factory floor for a (failed) Big Damn Heroes moment. Furry Confusion. Benny the Cab drives a non-sentient Alleged Car that Roger was driving. In Toontown, theres a poster of Porky Pigs own brand of All-Beef Sausage. Gag Boobs. Jessica Rabbit. Nice booby-trap. Gainaxing. Jessica Rabbits breasts, which have a habit of bumping into things. Oddly enough, Jessicas boobs reverse - Gainax, moving in the opposite direction of normal walking movement (basically, they bounce up rather than down when she walks), in part to make her more cartoony. Genocide from the Inside. Doom is in fact a toon, and attempts to wipe out all toons and Toontown. Getting Crap Past the Radar. Lots . Most prominent example: A Booby Trap . Then there is Baby Herman, with his 50 year-old lust but 3-year old dinky. The brand of oven in the opening cartoon is Hotternell - i. e. hotter than hell. Eddie showing rather than telling Smart-Ass what rhymes with walls. Dolores had to shake the weasels. It Makes Sense in Context. but still. Bongo the Toon Gorilla Bouncer at the Ink-N-Paint Club calls Eddie a wiseass after his sarcastic remark, and then gives him the finger. Dont bust a button, Dolores. Youve only got one left. is a PG-13 remark about Dolores low-V-cut blouse. Even though Dolores blouse actually has two buttons. Subverted with Marvin Acme and Jessica Rabbit playing Patty Cake. Roger was still hit with a Heroic B. S.O. D. Contudo. As Eddie enters the out-of-order restroom in Toontown, theres a particular message written on the wall beside him (See the Bathroom Stall Graffiti example above). When Lena Hyena notices Eddie she licks her lips and fixes her breast. Its implied that she wasnt simply planning to kiss him. Ugh. Near the end of the film when the toons are discussing Judge Dooms true identity and a number of animal species are are being suggested, Sylvester says A Pussy prompting a Signature Laugh from Woody Woodpecker . Glass-Shattering Sound. See Make Me Wanna Shout . Good-Guy Bar. The Terminal Station Bar, sort of. G-Rated Sex. Roger reacts to secret photos of his wife Jessica and Marvin Acme playing Patty-Cake as if hed been presented with photographs of them having acrobatic sex. Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress. Eddie figures this out firsthand upon his return to Toontown in the MickeyBugs scene. Groin Attack. At least four different ones during the course of the movie. Two of them were cut off from the 20-years celebration edition DVD. Hanging Judge. Judge Doom, who happily attempts to use Dip on toons whenever he can. Hardboiled Detective. Eddie Valiant. Lampshaded when he force-feeds a minor character a hard-boiled egg for mocking him over the fact hes working for a cartoon producer. Happily Married. Roger and Jessica. Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight. Baby Herman. Held Gaze. Eddie and Dolores have one before their Almost Kiss that is interrupted by Roger . Helium Speech. Judge Doom. when he reveals his true identity. Hello, Nurse. Jessica Rabbit. Heroes Want Redheads. Jessica. Hidden Depths. One reason the movie goes over so well with multiples ages is because, underneath the very mature, hard-boiled tone, all the good guys have redeeming depths. Eddies still got a tiny bit of humor left and still respects those he hates, Rogers forever optimistic, Jessica truly loves him, Baby Herman thinks of Roger as a good friend and supports his innocence, and Benny helps Eddie and Roger despite being a loudmouth. High-Pressure Emotion. Rogers reaction to alcohol is rather. explosive. Hoist by His Own Petard Eddie tries to use the giant magnet on a sword. His opponent simply doesnt let go, resulting in Eddie dragging him closer. He reverses the magnet to stop the opponent from getting any closer, so it wraps around his waist and attracts the nearest metallic object behind him8212 a trash can8212 which slams into Eddies back, causing him to be immobilized. Good thing Eddie escapes via a portable cartoon hole. Judge Doom is killed by the dipping machine he was going to use on Roger amp Jessica Rabbit and all of Toontown . Which in a further example of this trope, the machine is destroyed by a train. The vehicle that was being used to phase out trainstrams is destroyed by one. Hollywood Magnetism. Parodied when Eddie uses a large toon magnet to try and wrest a sword out of an opponents hand. The magnetic force depicted as lightning bolts that literally grab the sword and pull it, dragging his opponent along with it. Human-Focused Adaptation. One of the problems Chuck Jones and a few other classic animators had with Who Framed Roger Rabbit was that it seemed that the cartoons themselves were secondary characters to the human actors. Perhaps this movie is a rare example of the trope not getting too far out of hand, though. Notably the romance between Roger and Jessica Rabbit was more important than Eddies romantic subplot. Its Justified, as it would have cost a lot more to give the toons more screen time. The Hyena. Well, weasels in this case. Their hyena cousins were mentioned. Poor guys, laughed themselves to death. Thankfully, this was released before The Lion King . or that wouldve been rather dark . Hypocritical HumorDaffy Duck: about Donald This is the latht time I work with thomebody with a thpeech impediment Donald Duck: Oh, yeah. grabs Daffy and throws him into his piano Daffy Duck: his beak sticking out of Donalds piano Thith meanth war. I Cant Look Gesture. Detective Eddie Valiant watches as most of Judge Doom succumbs to the driverless steamroller, but averts his gaze as Dooms head meets the roller. It takes Roger Rabbit to point out to Eddie that Judge Doom is not finished yet, despite being rolled flat. Also Lt. Santino does this as Doom melts the Toon Shoe. Idiot Ball. Marvin Acme wrote his will in DisappearingReappearing Ink. This was quite idiotic on his part, since he wanted to leave Toontown to the Toons, and despite telling them this, the only proof was on the will, which, when it went blank, went missing because of Roger writing a love letter on it. Without the will, Toontown was to be destroyed by Doom. Baby Herman says this during the climax, asking why Acme couldnt just leave the will where they could find it, because without it, they would just be waiting for another developers wrecking ball. I Fell for Hours. Eddie Valiants long drop from the top of a skyscraper in Toontown, in which he encounters Bugs and Mickey on the way down, takes enough time for him to have a short conversation with them. Illogical Safe. Done with a fridge. Im a Doctor, Not a Placeholder. Youve got it all wrong Im a cartoon maker. not a murderer Im Melting. Judge Doom s death. Impact Silhouette. The result of Roger running off in a fit of pique. through Mr. Maroons office window. He leaves a Roger-shaped hole not only in the window itself, but even the blinds covering them. Impossible Hourglass Figure. Jessica Rabbit. Impossibly-Low Neckline. Jessica. Improvised Zip Line. Judge Doom uses his cane to slide down a wire. Incessant Music Madness. The director is arguing with Roger after he blows his lines when he finally shouts, Can we lose the playback please In-Name-Only. Apart from the premise of Toons living alongside humans, a few characters, and a similar set-up (Toon rabbit suspected of killing a human and enlists help from a human private eye) the movie really doesnt have much to do with Who Censored Roger Rabbit . I Need a Freaking Drink Eddies standard coping strategy. Roger is more than happy to knock back a shot after getting physical evidence that his wife was cheating on him. Almost Inverted when he really needed the drink. Eddie had to trick him into taking the drink, to save his life. Innocently Insensitive. Roger inadvertently hits Eddies Berserk Button when making reference to his brother (He looks like a sensitive and sober fellow), not knowing that Teddy died a few years previously in a robbery in Toon Town. Insistent Terminology. The slang word simoleons is used to describe both the currency Doom used to buy his way into being elected Toontowns Judge, and the money stolen by the bank robber who killed Teddy. Almost a Chekhovs Gun. actually, and a good way to make sure the audience puts the mystery together. Interacting with Shadow. While Eddie Valiant is in Toontown tracking the murderer of R. K. Maroon, he walks down an alley with his shadow appearing on the wall. He sneezes and his shadow turns to him and says Gesundheit, to which Eddie replies Thank you. Interspecies Romance. Jessica and Roger 8212 possibly averted because they are Toons, in which surface forms do not reflect species difference. Marvin Acme and Jessica literally playing pattycake is seen as intercourse, in a Toons eyes at least. It seems nearly any human male would want this with Jessica upon first sight. Invisible Writing. Mr. Acme was the inventor of the disappearing-reappearing ink which would become invisible almost immediately, but become visible again through time. Mr. Acme also wrote his will with it, leading it to be believed lost. Iris Out. The movie fades out that way. Ironic Echo. One of these days, you idiots are gonna laugh yourselves to death Youre killin em Youre slayin em Youre knockin em dead It Will Never Catch On. Judge Doom s vision of the freeway after its construction. One reason Eddie isnt that surprised to learn Judge Doom is actually a Toon is because, as he sees it, only a Toon would have come up with such a scheme. Its Up to You. A meta example. Theres a reason many people felt Bob Hoskins was snubbed for an Academy Award nod here: its so easy watching Eddie Valiant to forget that Bob Hoskins is almost invariably by himself, talking to air or a ridiculous contraption. Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique. Eddie does this to R. K. Maroon. Jaw Drop. Eddie Valiants first vision of Jessica Rabbit. Complete with Betty Boop closing his mouth for him. Jerkass That elevator operator in Toontown. Seeing as how its Droopy Dog, this is to be expected. Mickey Mouse. Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird could be viewed like this during the famous falling scene, but could be Fridge Brilliance in that they (possibly) knew Lena would be there to catch him. Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Eddie Valiant and Baby Herman. Acme. Had no qualms about pursuing a married woman, yet still left Toontown to the toons. Maroon to some extent. Even though he tried to blackmail Acme into selling Toontown to Cloverleaf, so Maroon would be able to sell his studio. he tried to stop the scheme when he realized exactly what was happening. Joe Sent Me. The password for the Ink and Paint Club is Walt sent me. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Ill catch the rabbit, Mr. Valiant, and I will try him, convict him and execute him. And never mind the name allusion . Just Between You and Me Just Whistle. If you should ever need a ride, just stick out your thumb And a Brick Joke . Kick the Dog. Judge Doom demonstrating his Toon erasing concoction on a shoe at the Acme warehouse swiftly lands him past the Moral Event Horizon . Killed Mid-Sentence. R. K. MaroonMaroon: Unless Acmes will shows by midnight tonight, Toontowns gonna be land for the free 8212 two gunshots Kill the Cutie. As a display of how deadly the Dip is, Judge Doom snatches a cute little toon shoe, and places it slowly into the concoction as it squeaks in agony. Knight in Sour Armor. Eddie Valiant. Knight of Cerebus. Judge Dooms presence is basically to get the movie a darker tone: his sadistic punishment of toons via The Dip is pretty disturbing to see and the fact he is a demented toon who is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, even if that means destroying his own species . Kryptonite Factor. Toons are virtually unkillable, except by contact with Dooms deadly paint-thinner-based Dip. Lampshaded Double Entendre. Jessicas infamous pattycake session with Marvin Acme. Large Ham Judge Doom. Hes plenty scary, but bless him, Christopher Lloyd just cannot play a role without lending it the piquant aroma of a lovely apple glaze. Given who Lloyd is, you could call Judge Doom Dr. Emmett Brown s evil twin. Also, Roger: ironically, both when hes acting and out of the set. While Jessica is one of the most cool and composed characters in the movie, she utterly freaks upon seeing The Dip. Last Request. Eddie Valiant asks Judge Doom to grant one to Roger before dipping him. Latex Perfection. Judge Doom s human disguise was so perfect and vivid-looking that you didnt know he was a Toon before his true identity was revealed. Left Stuck After Attack. Many times. First, Judge Doom tries to punch Eddie Valiant, but Valiant blocks the blow with a cardboard tub of glue. Judge Doom shakes off the tub, then tries again to slug Valiant. Valiant dodges, and Dooms fist strikes the roller of a moving steamroller, where it sticks. Doom eventually ends up rolled flat, though this doesnt finish him. Left the Background Music On. Can we lose the playback, please . Lets Get Dangerous. Subverted. Roger attempts this when he shows up during the final confrontation, gun in hand. He gets defeated easily. Lighter and Softer. When compared to the original book. Literal Metaphor : The best part is. the elephants work for peanuts Cmon, Eddie, I caught you with your pants down Also one mentioned by Eddie when he reveals to Roger a toon killed his brother, as on the day his brother was killed, the two of them trailed Doom to a dive but he literally got the drop on them, dropping the piano which killed Teddy and broke Eddies arm. The Load. Roger is this to the film crew when he keeps blowing his lines in the opening cartoon. And later, after hes framed for murder, he repeatedly fails to stay under the radar, resulting in a couple of Too Dumb to Live moments where Eddie has to stopsave him. This is mainly because he tends to live by Rule of Funny or just plain wasnt thinking straight. He does, however, provide Eddie with a few pieces of information that come in handy later, such as the love letter and the idea of weaponising laughter . Loads and Loads of Characters. The classic Disney cartoon characters joins forces with the Looney Tunes and various other studios to bring an extraordinary ensemble cast of classic cartoon characters. Basically all the big name characters of the Golden Age made it in this movie, at least for a cameo. Fleischer studios is represented by Betty Boop and a quick cameo from Koko the Clown. Walter Lantz Studios is represented by its biggest star, Woody Woodpecker. MGM Studios loaned out Droopy. The only studio without any characters included was Terrytoons. As huge as this cast is, there were plans for even more - the Popeye characters, Felix the Cat and Tom amp Jerry werent included because of rights issues. Lost Will And Testament. Marvin Acmes will. Mad Scientist. Judge Doom. He invented the Dip. Make Me Wanna Shout. Rogers glass-breaking steam whistle after drinking strong liquor. Malaproper. Smart Ass, the leader of the weasels. Shall I ripose of him right now, boss Look Valiant, we got a reliable tipoff, the rabbit was here, and was corrugated by several others. Search the place, boys, and leave no stone interned. You want us to dis-resemble the place Judge Doom corrects him on this one. No, Sergeant disassembling the place wont be necessary. Also, Rogers comment about his uncles problems with his prostate. (Eddie corrects him on that one, however, saying, Not prostate, you idiot, probate ). Massive Multiplayer Crossover. Cartoon characters from just about every animation studio in existence in the 1940s appear in the movie. Meaningful Echo. Roger is seen entertaining the bar patrons with an improvised song and dance routine to The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down (aka the Looney Tunes theme) with a few of the lyrics made about Eddie. Later, during the climactic fight in the Acme warehouse, Eddie foils the weasels by and doing an improvised routine to the same song with some of his lyrics made about Roger. This may show not only that Eddie is getting his sense of humor back, but also how hes warmed up to Roger over the course of the movie. On top of that Rogers version may double as foreshadowing. Roger . My buddys Eddie V, a sourpuss you see, but when Im done, hell need no gun, to the joker he will be. Eddie . Now Roger is his name, laughter is his game, come on you dope, untie his rope, and watch him go insane. Meaningful Name : Judge Doom Dooms works twice over. In addition to his intentions towards toons, its a ridiculously over the top name. The kind a toon would have. Eddie Valiant . Smart Ass, Greasy, Wheezy, Psycho and Stupid, the Toon Patrol. Roger Rabbit Averted for Jessica Rabbit, to Eddies jaw-dropping surprise. Well, Rabbit is her married name. Also doubles as a joke (Eddie expected her to also be a rabbit), so it befits her status as a toon. May also be a reference to Playboy bunnies. Medium Blending. Defines this movie, and the trope. Mind Your Step. When Eddie takes Droopy s elevator. Minor Crime Reveals Major Plot. Eddie Valiants investigation of a celebritys wifes infidelity - gt the murder of Marvin Acme and attempted genocide of the Toons . Mood Whiplash When Judge Doom and the Weasels are present. A bigger one happens in the final fight. Its pretty much a normal 40s style fight till Judge Doom is revealed to be a Toon. The scene from The Reveal to his demise is terrifying. And after that unpleasant scene, it goes back to the whimsical and cool feel it had before. Motive Rant. Judge Doom has a hilarious one. I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off. Off and On. All day, all night. Soon where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food, tire salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God . itll be beautiful. Ms. Fanservice. Jessica Rabbit. Okay okay, shes integral to the plot, but seriously. look at her. She gets a flesh-colored Panty Shot after getting spun out of the car. This was reworked in the 20 Years Release. Multi-Armed Multitasking. The bar-tending octopus toon at the Ink and Paint Club. Names to Run Away from Really Fast. Judge Doom. Say it with me. Doomy Dooms of Doom . A Nazi by Any Other Name Judge Doom and the Weasels. Judge Dooms dress reminds one of a typical Gestapo trenchcoat 8212 Doom himself has some resemblances with Roland Freisler, the Weasels as the Toon Patrol remind one of the Gestapo or the Schutzstaffel, and the Dip which is carried on the Weasels wagon is like the Nazi Gas Van used during Aktion T4. Also, Dooms master plan sounds like Hitlers Final Solution for Toons instead of Jews. In the third draft of the film script, from September 2, 1986, Lt. Santino tells Eddie that Doom refers to the Dip as the Final Solution. This is not said in the final movie itself, however. One pair of squeaky shoes at the Acme factory is a set of goose-stepping black boots. Neck Lift. Judge Doom does it to Roger in the bar. More justified than most examples in that he can easily close his fist around Rogers neck because its so compressible. New Era Speech. Judge Dooms vision of freeways. Newspaper Backstory. As Eddie Valiant mourns his late brother Teddy, the camera pans over Teddys scrapbook, which contains newspaper clippings of their cases involving Toons. Nice Character, Mean Actor. Baby Herman is a cute, innocent infant on screen, but when the cameras are off hes a foul-mouthed Cigar Chomper with a fifty-year-olds lust and a three-year-olds dinky. Subverted. As crass and horny as Herman is, he stands by his good friend, Roger, even offering to pay Eddie for his services as a detective. (Of course, this just pushes Valiants Berserk Button about working for toons). Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant. Judge Doom is this tropes incarnation, who also goes Up to Eleven when he reveals himself as a toon . No Badge No Problem. Ex-police officer (and current private investigator) Eddie Valiant is brought along to the Acme Factory crime scene by his friend Lieutenant Santino. While there he tries to steal a piece of evidence: the joy buzzer in Marvin Acmes hand. Hes caught red-handed by Judge Doom but Santino explains away his action by saying that Valiant was just getting the item for Doom. No Celebrities Were Harmed. Two of Eddies toon bullets are caricatures of Walter Brennan and Andy Devine. No End Or Holocaust. The dip truck, which was carrying enough dip to destroy Toontown, is run over by a toon train within Toontown. The impact of the collision should have dispersed much of the dip throughout Toontown. Given that the whole town is ink, the whole town8212or at minimum, a good percentage of it8212should have been wiped out, as there would have been nothing there to contain the dip . Averted: The giant dip vat was completely emptied through the valve after the toon boxing glove mallet opened it during Eddies duel with Doom . No More for Me. Before he heads into Toontown, Eddie uses his whiskey bottle as target practice for his toon gun. And instead of drinking it, he pours the contents out. No Name Given. The unspoken names of the Weasels are Smart Ass, Wheezy, Greasy, Psycho, and Stupid. Guess whos who . Nobodys That Dumb. When confronting Judge Doom, Roger says that We toons may act idiotic, but were not stupid Non-Indicative Name. Jessica Rabbit (shes actually a Rabbit by marriage).Betty Boop: Mr. Acme never misses a night when Jessica performs. Eddie: Got a thing for rabbits, huh Also Lena Hyena, whos not a hyena but a human toon. Noodle Incident. How did Eddie get Yosemite Sam out of the hoosegow Well never know. The scrapbook of Eddie and Teddys previous cases provides a couple of these. Apparently, Goofy was accused (obviously falsely) of espionage at some point. Not Distracted by the Sexy. While every other male character thinks very lustfully of Jessica, Roger seems alone in seeing her as a human being (kinda), not a piece of meat. Roger is, as she puts it, the only guy who can make her laugh, which could mean hes the only guy she knows whos main concern is her happiness. Not Growing Up Sucks. I gotta 50-year-old lust and a 3-year old dinky. Not Evil, Just Misunderstood. Jessica Rabbits quote lampshades her status as Ms. Fanservice. Im not bad. Im just drawn that way. Not So Different. Theres a brief scene where both Roger and Eddie are looking over photographs and reflecting over happier times, to highlight the similarities between the two. They also happen at the same time. Nothing Is Scarier. The fact we never see what Judge Doom really looks like makes him even scarier because bright red glowing eyes is all we see, leaving the rest of his true form to the imagination. Not the Fall That Kills You. From Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress. above, Eddie wouldve splatted on the ground, had not Lena Hyena caught him on the ground . But then, they were in Toontown, so Rule of Funny applies. Not What It Looks Like. Dolores catches Eddie with his pants down with Jessica in the room. Jessica: Im desperate Mr Valiant. Cant you see how much I need you Not So Above It All. You might think because of her more in-control Femme Fatale personality and the fact that shes more of a mature toon that Jessica Rabbit isnt quite as looney as the others. The movie sets her up like that, and then wittily breaks down the assumption. Jessica . (sees open trunk) Oh, no Wheres Roger Valiant: Roger He chickened out on me back at the studio. Jessica about Roger I hit him on the head with a frying pan and put him in the trunk. so he wouldnt get hurt. Valiant: Makes perfect sense. Not So Invincible After All. Before Dip was even invented, it was a well-known fact that Toons were virtually impervious to pain, and killing one was considered implausible, indeed impossible . Break a Toons heart however, and they go to pieces. just like any mortal man. Obfuscating Stupidity. Roger says this about the Toons when confronting Doom:Roger . We toons may act idiotic, but were not stupid We demand justice Why the true meaning of the word probably hits you like a ton of bricks Obviously Evil. Black clothes. skull-topped cane. Scary Shiny Glasses. ominous soundtrack theme, surname Doom. Say hello to the Big Bad. folks. Then again, Toons arent known for their subtlety . Odd Couple. Roger and Jessica Rabbit. Jessica is drawn as a human being, and Roger is, well, a rabbit. Oh Crap : Eddie Valiant does this when he realizes the woman he mistook for Jessica Rabbit is actually Lena Hyena. Then a second one when he escapes into the out-of-order restroom. Then a third one on his encounter with Tweety. And a fourth one when the spare turns out to be a tire . He also gets a more shocked and terrified one when Judge Doom reveals his toon identity. And that toon is the one who murdered Eddies brother. Doom gets off a pretty good one too, just before getting hit with a high-pressure blast of Dip. Roger gets one during the cartoon at the very beginning, after lifting up the fridge and then letting go to grab Baby Herman, after which he realizes his mistake just before the fridge crashes down on his head. Eddie and Roger when it looks like Angelo is about to tell Doom where Roger is hiding for the reward. Just as Eddie had warned (That guy Angelo would rat on you for a nickel). To Rogers relief and proving his point, Angelo was just setting up a joke 8212 much to the amusement of the rest of the bar. And, of course, Jessica: Oh my God, its DIIIIIIIIP. Ooh, Me Accents Slipping. For the most part, Bob Hoskins as Eddie Valiant does an impeccable American accent, but he does have one moment where he slides from hard-boiled American detective to British West-country farmer: when he sees Roger hiding in a desk drawer and yells at him to GET OUTTA THERE In this case, its not the pronunciation so much as the inflection most Americans would put the emphasis on outta, but Hoskins as Eddie puts it on there. In the same scene, when he says not anymore (in response to Roger saying, When a Toons in trouble, theres only one place to go: Valiant and Valiant.) and dont ever (as in For starters, dont ever kiss me again.), he suddenly sounds more like Miles OBrien than Sam Spade. The accent slips again when he says murder to R. K. Maroon (as in A story of greed, sex and murder.) when pretending to. In short, he seems to have trouble with words ending in the r sound. Older Than They Look. Baby Herman. Omnicidal Maniac. Judge Doom s true nature. One-Winged Angel. Judge Dooms Toon form. complete with transforming appendages. Made more horrifying knowing that it is his true form and the only parts visible are his crazy eyes. Opera Gloves. Jessica. Or Are You Just Happy to See Me. Dolores, referring to the bulge caused by Eddie hiding Roger under his coat. O. O.C. Is Serious Business. Jessica Rabbit only loses her composure when faced with Death By Dip. Outside Ride. Eddie hitches a ride on the back bumper of a Red Car. Pain-Powered Leap. Yosemite Sam jumps all the way from Toontown when his butt is lit on fire. Paper People. This is how we learn the truth about Judge Doom . Parental Bonus. The Film Noir Parody, several of the Lampshaded Double Entendres. and the much older cartoon characters appearing in the background (Betty Boop, Harvey Toons, etc.)Didnt you use to be Eddie Valiant Or did you change your name to Jack Daniels Not prostate you idiot, probate Pay Evil unto Evil. R. K. Maroon, who nearly sells his studio to Judge Doom and nearly blackmails Marvin Acme into selling his Gag Factory, gets murdered by Doom to keep the scheme secret . Peek-a-Bangs. Jessica Rabbit. Perverse Sexual Lust. Jessica Rabbit is the trope pin up girl. Pervy Patdown. When Judge Doom tells the weasels to frisk Jessica for Acmes will, Greasy eagerly reaches down her ample cleavage to do so and to cop a feel (seriously, his tongue droops out his mouth in excitement), but all he gets is his hand caught in a Bear Trap . Piano Drop. How Eddies brother and partner died. Plot-Triggering Death. Marvin Acmes. Pop the Tires. Judge Doom takes out Bennys tires by pouring Toon-dissolving Dip on the road. Portable Hole. Portable Holes is an Acme Product. During the films climax, Eddie became pinned against a steel drum by a cartoon magnet while fighting the Big Bad he freed himself by wrapping a Portable Hole completely around the magnet, causing the magnet to break in half. Pretend Prejudice. Eddies attitude to Toons in general. He tries to avoid them whenever possible, but isnt that hard on them when he does meet them, if his meeting with Betty Boop is any indication. Proscenium Reveal. The cartoon short starring Roger Rabbit and Baby Herman at the start of the movie is cut short by a human director calling Cut This is followed by shots establishing that the animated characters are working on a live-action soundstage, thus setting up the concept of humans and toons living in the same world. Psychotic Smirk. Judge Doom often has this. Pun. The door to the Ink-N-Paint Club is opened by a (literal) gorilla in a tux. Eddie: Nice monkey suit. Acme and Jessica playing pattycake. Toontown is practically composed of nothing but this. Eddie speaking about the stupidity of the cartoon bullets: Dum-dums. Punched Across the Room. Judge Doom to Eddie Valiant using his anvil hand. Punctuated For Emphasis Eddie: I DONT WORK FOR TOONS When Judge Doom reveals his true identity to Eddie. Judge Doom : Remember me . Eddie When I killed your brother. I talked. JUST. LIKE. THIS. Also, Smart Ass reaction to the weasels laughing: Smart Ass: Stop That Laughing You know what happens when you CANT STOP LAUGHING. One of these days, youre gonna die laughing. Put Down Your Gun and Step Away. A rare heroic example: Roger to the weasel leader Smart Ass, while threatening Judge Doom. Questioning Title. Only without a question mark (apparently, in the film industry, it is considered bad luck to have a question mark even in a Questioning Title). Quirky Miniboss Squad. The Weasels, a. k.a. the Toon Patrol. Race Lift. For a film about oppressed minorities, the fact the original books brown rabbit is turned white in the film has some Unfortunate Implications . Random Smoking Scene. Eddie Valliant catches a streetcar by travelling along on the back of the vehicle with some kids who are smoking. He even thanks them for the cigarettes after reaching his destination. This whole scene had no real purpose to the story (although it did introduce us to the Red Car, the best public transportation system in the world, which is put in jeopardy by Cloverleaf buying it). Recognizable by Sound. Detective Eddie Valiant and Roger Rabbit are attempting to escape from the weasels by stealing the weasels police van. A voice from the containment area of the van pleas for freedom: Hey, you weasels, let me outta here Roger Rabbit recognizes the voice and replies, Benny, is that you The sarcastic response is, No, its Eleanor Roosevelt Cmon, Roger, let me outta here Reconstruction. Of both the Film Noir genre and Looney Tunes - style cartoons. Red Eyes, Take Warning. Judge Doom after hes revealed to be the toon who killed Eddies brother . Red Herring. As the film progresses, it makes it look like Jessica murdered R. K. Maroon, but the real killer turns out to be Judge Doom (yeah. didnt see that coming ) and that she only wants to help her husband. Repetitive Audio Glitch. In the scene where Roger sings and dances at a bar to the tune of The Merry Go-Round Broke Down, the end of the song skips as he starts breaking plates on his head, and he continues to do so until Eddie stops the record and pulls him away. Repetitive Name. The name of the director in charge of the opening theatrical cartoon Raoul J. Raoul. The Renaissance Age of Animation. Didnt start it, but undoubtedly had a monumental role in bringing it further into the mainstream. Retraux. The Show Within The Show shorts are done in the style of (or at least similarly to) cartoon films from the 1940s-50s. The Reveal. See eyes, above. Revealing Reflection. While Eddie is chatting with R. K. Maroon, he notices a gun reflected in Maroons office window and dives for cover just as it open fire. Maroon, however, is not so lucky as he is caught out in the open (Eddie had trapped him by sticking his tie into a film projector), but he was the actual target anyway . Roger Rabbit Effect. Named it. made it famous. and probably perfected it. Rule of Funny Explicitly spelled out by Roger: Eddie: You mean you couldve taken your hand out of that cuff at any time Roger: No, not at any time, only when it was funny . Also, Toon Town operates on the Rule of Funny which can make it very dangerous 8212 a bathroom stated to be out of order turns out to be totally non-existent. For Toons, the Rule of Funny can be exactly that 8212 a rule (Law Of Funny) that they must follow. For example, Rogers struggle to resist responding to Shave and a Haircut . Rump Roast. My biscuits are burning Sacrificial Lamb. The red toon shoe that Judge Doom kills in the Dip to demonstrate the threat he poses. Scary Shiny Glasses. Doom pulls off one of the scariest live action invocations of this trope when staring down Eddie. Scenery Porn. To a degree, due to the film noir-style lighting. Screams Like a Little Girl. Judge Doom. having started talking in a high-pitched, squeaky, almost girlish voice all too familiar to Eddie once he is exposed as a Toon. screams in this manner after getting hit by the Dip. Screw This, Im Outta Here. Subverted. Eddie thinks Roger is doing one when he sees a car driving out of the studios after Maroon is shot dead. It turns out to be Jessica, who had Roger in the trunk. Secondary Character Title. Roger Rabbit is not actually the main character. Hes just the one who solicits the services of the storys actual protagonist, human detective Eddie Valiant. Roger steals every scene hes in and is pivotal to the case, though. Selective Magnetism. The Acme magnet Eddie uses against Judge Doom . Setting Update. A rare inversion of this as the original novel was published and set in then-Present Day (the early 1980s at the time), but the movie pushes the setting back over 30 years to 1947 having been inspired by classic Film Noir Hardboiled Detective mysteries of the time. Sexy Silhouette. Subverted. When Eddie visits Toontown and thinks hes stumbled on to Jessica Rabbit, he actually runs into Lena Hyena. One word: butterface . Although Jessica really does make one when she visits Eddies office and when shes running to her car outside Maroon Studios. Sexy Walk. Jessica Rabbit walks this way. Shave And A Hair Cut. Used by Doom to lure Roger out from a hiding spot, as Toons apparently cant resist finishing the line. Sheep in Sheeps Clothing. Baby Herman is this. Cute and innocent on the outside. definitely not innocent but another kind of cute on the inside. Shoot Out the Lock. The weasels use a machine gun to shoot a hole around the lock on Eddies door to open it. Shout-Out. There are dozens of these: to Golden Age cartoons, live action films ( The Maltese Falcon . The Wizard of Oz . Sunset Boulevard . Chinatown . and Back to the Future ) and the play Harvey . In Maroons second scene, hes wielding what looks like the Golden Gun . Show Within a Show. The Maroon cartoon Somethins Cookin, starring Roger Rabbit. Sickeningly Sweethearts. Jessica and Roger. Sickly Green Glow. The dip. Side Boob. and plenty of it, from Jessica. Significant Green-Eyed Redhead. Jessica Rabbit. Not that anyone noticed. Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids. Eddie literally has this attitude toward Roger. Sincerity Mode. Rogers apologetic tone when explaining the Rule of Funny suggests that hes not just trolling, and isnt any more pleased than Eddie is about how he couldnt slip out of the cuffs any sooner. Single Woman Seeks Good Man. Jessica and Roger. So much that her He makes me laugh is the top quote on the page. Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism. Roger and Eddie occupy opposite ends of the scale, allowing them to serve as foils for each other. Slipped the Ropes. Roger Rabbit can slip out of his cuffs at any given moment, but only if its funny. Smelly Feet. The weasels burst into Valiant amp Valiant to find Roger, currently handcuffed to Eddie. All they find is Eddie washing something in the sink. Eddie: (lifting out a sock) My lingerie. (Weasel turns away in disgust holding his nose, just missing Roger as he sticks his head up to breathe) Soap Punishment. The lead weasel is threatening Eddie to tell him where Roger is and to cut the bullschtick. Eddie tells him to watch his mouth or hell wash your mouth out and shoves a bar of soap into his mouth. The Sociopath. Judge Doom is a particular nasty one. Something Else Also RisesEddie: Yeah well. you dont know how hard it is being a man, looking at a woman looking the way you do. So Much for Stealth. Wanted for murder or not, Roger is NOT good at keeping a low profile. Spared by the Adaptation Roger himself. In the official comic book adaptation (published by Marvel), R. K. Maroon is mentioned to have survived being shot, and is recovering at the hospital. Species Surname. Subverted with Jessica Rabbit, who turns out to be only a Rabbit by marriage . Sphere Eyes. Roger. The Spook. Judge Doom s true identity is never revealed and we never even find out what he really looks like, except for his blazing red eyes . Squashed Flat. Occurs even with the live-action actors (Valiant in the elevator, Doom ran over by a steamroller. ) Stab the Scorpion. Jessica ultimately proves her trustworthiness when she shoots an unseen assailant behind Eddie ( Judge Doom ) just after it looked like she was holding him at gunpoint. Start of Darkness. The graphic novel sequel Roger Rabbit: The Resurrection of Doom revealed Judge Dooms origins. Stealth Parody. While containing many elements of one, this isnt your typical Film Noir. Stealth Pun. When Valiant fires the cartoon revolver and the bullets go the wrong way, he calls them Dum Dums, meaning Idiots. Dum-Dums are a type of expanding bullet. Also, at one point Roger delivers a passionate speech to Eddie while standing on a literal soap box. Still Got It. Betty Boop . Storyboarding the Apocalypse. Judge Doom. But I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night . Soon, where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food, tire salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. . My God, itll be beautiful . Eddie: Im through with taking falls And bouncing off the walls Without that gun Id have some fun And kick you in the8212 (gets hit in the head) Roger: Nose Smart Ass: Nose That dont rhyme with walls Eddie: No. But this does Suddenly Shouting. Mrs. Herman to Baby Herman: Im leaving you with your favorite friend, Roger. Hes going to take very, very good care of you. Because if he doesnt, HES GOING BACK TO THE SCIENCE LAB. Also, Eddie says to Roger, Ive been out there risking my neck for you, and whatre you doin SINGIN AND DANCIN And when Jessica sees the Dip, she speaks this way, too: Oh my god, its DIIIIP. And of course, when Doom reveals his true identity, he speaks like this: Remember me, Eddie When I killed your brother, I TALKED JUST LIKE THIIIIIIIS. Sudden Musical Ending. Justified, since Toon Town seems to be a very musical place. Supernormal Bindings. After Judge Doom captures Jessica and Roger, he has the weasels tie them up with escape-proof Toon rope. Swiss Army Appendage. Judge Doom. after being revealed to be a toon . Sword Cane. Doom owns one. Symbolic Blood. The poor unfortunate red shoe dissolves into a puddle of red paint when dipped by Judge Doom. Naturally Doom ends up with this red paint all over his hand. Tap on the Head. Roger himself, courtesy of a frying pan wielded by Jessica. Tempting Fate No one gets the drop on Roger Rabbit CONK And when Roger holds Doom at gunpoint, he says, We toons may act idiotic, but were not stupid . We demand justice Why, the real meaning of the word would hit you like a ton of bricks What do you think lands on him immediately after he says that Thats All, Folks. Porky Pig says this at the end with Tinker Bell doing her ending shtick immediately afterward. This Means War. As Daffy and Donald engage in their dueling pianos session at the Ink and Paint Club, they get into an argument, culminating in Donald throwing Daffy into his piano and slamming the lid shut over the latter ducks head, with only his beak sticking out. At this point, we hear Daffy dazedly say, Thith meanth war. , and the competition heats up from there. Technically a Smile The Unsmile. Judge Doom seems very humourless, even when everyone else is laughing at a joke. When he does smile, it shuts them right up. It turns out that his true personality is more into Slasher Smiles . This Is a Drill. Judge Doom at the end. This Is Reality. As an armed Roger goes off to rescue Jessica and Eddie, Benny warns him, Be careful with that gun This aint no cartoon, ya know. Justified, as Roger is an actor, and Benny tells him this is not a cartoon starring him or anyone else nor is he in Toontown anymore: the perils are very much real, and there is a good chance he may not come out alive. Tiny Guy, Huge Girl. Roger and Jessica. Also, Eddie and Dolores, rather less pronounced. Toilet Teleportation. Roger Rabbit (accidentally) uses this trick. Token Minority. Along with Positive Discrimination. The only black character in the movie is a one-armed black veteran with a Purple Heart who frequents Dolores restaurant. Too Dumb to Live. Roger has a few moments of this. Roger cant resist, no matter how much he tries to, finishing the Shave And A Haircut tune by bursting through the wall behind Judge Doom and going TWO BITS, even though he knows it means going to his own death. Doom knows this. Roger also sings and dances loud enough to be heard from the street while wanted for murder, despite knowing full well he faces certain death if hes caught. His defense when Eddie confronts him with this: But Im a toon Toons are supposed to make people laugh Luckily for him, this one ends up working in his favor, forcing Doom to use the Shave And A Haircut trick to get Roger to come to him. The weasels too, because they laugh at rather more than they should, even though they know if they laugh too hard and too much, it could end up killing them, as had happened to their hyena cousins, as noted by Doom. It does, as Eddie uses this to his advantage to get rid of them, except Smart Ass, who gets a Groin Attack that lands him in the Dip. Took a Level in Kindness Both Roger and Jessica, compared to the original book. Eddies about the same in both versions. He does get progressively nicer over the course of the film, though, even regaining his sense of humor. Toon Physics. Naturally. Toon Town. The Trope Namer (or Trope Codifier. depending on how you look at it. ) Toon Transformation. A Deleted Scene had Eddie Valiant gain an animated pigs head painted over his own head when he entered Toontown. This is also why he has just showered in the middle of the day when Jessica shows up in his office. Tragic Bigot. Eddie Valiant came to hate Toontown and the toons in it after one killed his brother. Trick Bullet. Eddie use a gun that fires toon bullets: bullets that are self-aware cartoons and can steer themselves in flight. Unfortunately, they arent the brightest of toons. Tuft of Head Fur. Roger Rabbit has a tuft of red hair on his head that is different from the white fur over the rest of his body. Twisted Echo Cut. When Valiant is photographing Acme and Jessica playing pattycake, you can hear Acme saying Pattycake. pattycake. getting more excited each time. The scene then switches to Maroons office, where Roger is virtually screaming PATTYCAKE PATTYCAKE in disbelief after being shown the pictures. The way the scene was cut kept the repetition of pattycake unbroken between scenes. Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Donald Duck and Daffy Duck are seen in a piano battle that quickly escalates into an actual duel. Unresolved Sexual Tension. Between Dolores and Valiant. Kind of makes the story sweet in a G-related way. The Unreveal. We never get to see all of Judge Dooms real Toon form nor learn his true identity. In-universe, Eddie sees the reveal of Judge Doom being a toon this way due to how crazy his ultimate goal was. Unusual Euphemism. Santino refers to Acmes murder as getting kacked. Unwilling Suspension Unwitting Pawn. Eddies simple case in the beginning - to find proof that Jessica is cheating on Roger - was actually a ploy to give Roger a motive for killing Acme. The reason he takes Rogers case is to get back at the people who used him. Values Dissonance. In-universe, Roger and Jessica are considered an odd couple, but for different reasons depending on perspective: Humans (like Eddie) wonder what a knockout bombshell like Jessica is doing with a goofball like Roger. Toons think Jessica is the one who made out like a bandit, which makes sense if you compare their careers. Jessica is a Lounge Singer (albeit a high-class lounge singer), while Roger is an A-list celeb in the toon world, on par with Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny. Its an even bigger step up in the book, as Jessica got her start in Tijuana Bibles. which essentially makes her a porn starlet. On a more philosophical note, the most important attribute in Toon society is humor. Rogers Funny Animal looks thus make him the equivalent of Leonardo DiCaprio. and Jessicas Impossible Hourglass Figure makes her the equivalent of an acne-scarred nerd. (Although both Benny and Greasy seem to find her plenty physically appealing.) Jessicas reason is He makes me laugh. Which, toon or human, can be considered a heartwarming moment - Roger makes Jessica happy, and in the end isnt that the most important ingredient for a happy marriage It also could be that this ability is more widely prized in the Toon world than in human circles. Vapor Wear. Jessica Rabbit doesnt seem to have any undergarments, but shes just drawn that way. Very Loosely Based on a True Story. The Cloverleaf plot is based on a real-life urban legend that General Motors bought the Los Angeles Red Car Trolley system to shut it down. The Bradford-Snell conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked GM didnt buy up the Red Cars until years after they had been converted to a bus system due to problems with funding maintenance and expansion (they actually were convicted of conspiracy related to the affair, but not for that reason). Victorias Secret Compartment. Greasy Weasel tries to search Jessicas cleavage for Acmes will, and gets his hand caught in a Bear Trap. Shes definitely not happy to see him. Visionary Villain. Judge Dooms plans for Toon Towns demolition are to make way for a express highway, which he feels quite strongly about. This was also the reason he bought the Red Car trolley line 8212 so he could dismantle it, leaving people with few other alternatives than automobiles . Vile Villain, Saccharine Show. An 80s family movie, produced by Touchstone Pictures. with a maniacal Hanging Judge as the main antagonist who is actually a toon himself who wants to get rid of his own race for pure profit. Villainous Breakdown : Doom and the Weasels leader have their respective breakdowns when their subordinates start laughing uncontrollably. Doom: Stop that laughing Have you forgotten what happened last time. IF YOU DONT STOP LAUGHING, YOURE GOING TO END UP DEAD, JUST LIKE YOUR IDIOT HYENA COUSINS. Doom has another at the climax. Hes normally quite composed but when he gets run over by a steamroller and reveals himself as a toon, he goes completely and openly Ax-Crazy . Doom: (his voice rising in pitch until it is absolutely shrieking) Remember me, Eddie. WHEN I KILLED YOUR BROTHER. I TALKED JUST LIKE THIS. Visual Pun : The movies poster. Roger Rabbit is framed. When Valiant meets with Maroon to take the job, he sees some toon furniture escape a crate and run around playing Stars and Stripes Forever on orchestral instruments. Theyre musical chairs. Hey, Roger Whaddaya call the middle of a song Gee, I dunno. ( sees theyre about to crash into an overpass ) A BRIDGE In Toontown, Eddie runs over a pie with a cows face on it. Roger sits on a soap box while making a speech about the power of laughter. Judge Doom s eyes pop out shaped like blades. Glaring daggers. Cattle Call. literally for cows and bulls, who we see in Hollywood practicing their moos or even applying lipstick. What Does She See in Him. Why does Jessica Rabbit love Roger as a husband He makes her laugh, and when Jessica remarks that Roger is not the best driver:Eddie: Better lover than driver, huh Jessica Rabbit: Youd better believe it, buster. Eddie: Not really. That lame-brained freeway idea could only be cooked up by a Toon When the Clock Strikes Twelve. If Marvin Acmes will isnt found by midnight, the Diabolical Mastermind Judge Doom will legally own Toontown. White-Dwarf Starlet. Betty Boop (shown in black and white ) is an unusually upbeat version of one, working at the Ink-n-Paint Club. Betty: Cigars Cigarettes (beat ) Eddie Valiant Eddie: . Betty Betty: (putting down a tray of cigars and cigarettes) Long time no see. Eddie: What are you doing here Betty: Works been kinda slow since cartoons went to color. But I Still Got It. Eddie. Boop-boop be-doo boop (winks) Eddie: (smiling) Yeah. You still got it. Why Dont You Just Shoot Him. Doom has at least two chances to kill Valiant and instead chooses to wait or take a less practical approach. Justified since he is an over the top toon villain. Wicked Weasel. These guys work for Judge Doom. Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises : Happens to Jessica in one scene. It happens again when Judge Doom gets an emergency release valve full of Dip in his face. Wild Take. Roger performs a lot of these. Window Pain. Roger smashes out through a window leaving a Roger-shaped hole on finding out Jessicas been playing Pattycake with Marvin Acme. Wingding Eyes. Judge Doom. Winged Soul Flies Off at Death. The Weasels after they laugh themselves to death. Averted with the chief Weasel, Smart Ass, who meets his end in the Dip. Wrong Parachute Gag. Eddie is falling from a great height and is joined by Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny. both wearing parachutes. Eddie asks for a spare, so Bugs gives it to him. He opens it. and out comes a spare tire . X-Ray Sparks. Happens to Roger during the short cartoon Somethins Cookin when his fingers get stuck in some electrical sockets. You Are What You Hate. Judge Doom. You probably have guessed that by now. You Have Got to Be Kidding Me. Given what Eddies seeing Marvin and Jessica actually doing when he says this, you cant really blame him. You Killed My Father. Or rather, You Killed My Brother Judge Doom is the same toon who killed Eddie Valiants brother. Porky Pig : Okay, m-m-move along Th-th-theres nothing else to see. Th-thats all folks. hmm. I-I like the sounda that Th-th-th-th-th-th-thats all, folks Hahahaha
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